Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers

as of 23 March 2021

Prof. Andreas Arndt, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Prof. Maxi Berger, Hochschule Wismar

Prof. Nives Delija Trešćec, Sveučilište u Zadru (University of Zadar)

Prof. Walter Jaeschke, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Prof. Ewa Nowak, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Prof. Violetta Waibel, Universität Wien

Prof. Andreas Arndt

Professor emeritus for Philosophy at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and project leader of the academy project »Friedrich Schleiermacher in Berlin 1808–1834« at Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. His research focuses on Classical German Philosophy as well as Marxism and Critical Theory. He is the honorary president of the International Hegel-Society.

Prof. Maxi Berger

Professorin für Kulturwissenschaften an der Fakultät für Gestaltung der Hochschule Wismar. Sie erforscht Subjekt- und Selbst-Bildungen im Spannungsfeld von Ästhetischer Theorie, Kunst und Gestaltung insbesondere im Deutschen Idealismus und der Kritischen Theorie. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt in der Erforschung von Praxistheorien in philosophischer und soziologischer Perspektive. 2012 erschien ihre Monographie „Arbeit, Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstbestimmung bei Hegel. Zum Wechselverhältnis von Theorie und Praxis“. Sie ist Autorin mehrerer wissenschaftlicher Artikel und Mitherausgeberin von vier Sammelbänden. Der neueste Sammelband „Thesen zum Vorrang des Objekts. Studien zur Kritischen Theorie” (Hg. mit Philip Hogh) erscheint 2021.

Prof. Nives Delija Trešćec

Professor of philosophy at the University of Zadar. She studied philosophy and art history at the University of Zadar. In 2009 she received her doctorate at the University of Zagreb on the subject of “Hegel’s Thesis of the End of Art and Its Reception”. Her philosophical interests concern German idealism, esthetics and philosophy of culture. She is the author of a book “Platonova kritika umjetnosti” (“Plato's Critique of Art”) (2005) and a number of articles, including “Staat und Kunst- Gehört die Verwirklichung der Ideale in einem Kunstwerk der Vergangenheit an?“ (2010), “Die These vom Ende der Kunst im Kontext von Hegels Kritik der romantischen Weltanschauung” (2011), “The Paradox of Pluralism in Hegel's Understanding of Art and Culture” (2014).

Prof. Walter Jaeschke

Walter Jaeschke is a German philosopher and university professor. As a specialist in classical German philosophy, he heads the editions of the Academy edition by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi and the Hegel archive at the Ruhr University in Bochum. Jaeschke completed degree in philosophy, religious history and sinology at the Free University of Berlin and at the Technical University of Berlin and received his doctorate in 1974 with the dissertation The search for the eschatological roots of the philosophy of history. A historical critique of the secularization thesis at the Free University of Berlin. The habilitation took place a decade later at the Ruhr University Bochum with the study published also in English: Reason in Religion. Studies on the foundation of Hegel's philosophy of religion.


Prof. Ewa Nowak

Professor of philosophy at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. She was a student of Marek J. Siemek. Her research focuses on Classical German Philosophy, ethics, cognitive moral development, sociomoral reasoning and action, medical humanities, legal philosophy in the 20th century. She authored many books and articles including “Obecność Hegla: pięć ćwiczeń z filozofii kultury” (1996), “Hegel Alexandre Kojeve'a, czyli o filozoficznym jakobinizmie” (1999), “Autonomia jako zasada etyczności: Kant, Fichte, Hegel“ (2002), “Ethos w życiu publicznym“ (with K. M. Cern, 2008), “Educating competencies for democracy” (ed. with B. Zizek & D. Schrader, 2013), “Kohlberg revisited” (ed. with B. Zizek and D. Garz, 2015), “Evolving the human self” (2020). Her recent editions are: a book dedicated to the memory of Marek J. Siemek “Recepcja i oddziaływanie Marka Siemka w Europie” (2019) and “Marek Siemek. Inedita” (in press). She is also the editor-in-chief of an international journal “Ethics in Progress”.

Prof. Violetta Waibel

Violetta L. Waibel, University Professor of European Philosophy at University of Vienna. Important Publications: Hölderlin und Fichte. 1794–1800 [Hölderlin and Fichte. 1794-1800] (Paderborn 2000); Spinozas Affektenlehre und ihre Rezeption im Deutschen Idealismus, der Romantik und der Moderne (Hrsg., Hamburg 2012) [Spinoza’s Theory of Affects and its Reception in German Idealism, in Romanticism and Modernity (ed., Hamburg 2012)]; Fichte und Sartre über Freiheit. Das Ich und der Andere. (Hrsg., Berlin New York: de Gruyter 2015) [Fichte and Sartre on Freedom. The Ego and the Other. (ed., Berlin New York: de Gruyter 2015)]. Organizer of the 30th International Hegel-Congress in Vienna in April 2014 (Hegel’s Answer to Kant), and of the 12th International Kant-Congress in Vienna in September 2015 (Nature and Freedom); Curation of Exhibition Umwege. Annäherungen an Immanuel Kant in Wien, in Österreich und in Osteuropa [Detours. Approaches to Immanuel Kant in Vienna, in Austria, and in Eastern Europe] and editor of the publication with the same title on the exhibition during the 12. International Kant-Congress, published in German and English in Göttingen (Vienna University Press 2015). Natur und Freiheit. Akten des 12. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses [Nature and Freedom. Proceedings of the 12th International Kant-Congress], 5 Volumes, edited by Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing and David Wagner, assisted by Sophie Gerber. Berlin, De Gruyter 2018. Contributor to the Conference- and Publication-series System der Vernunft – Kant und der Deutsche Idealismus [System of Reason. Kant and German Idealism] (so far 5 Volumes, Verlag Meiner). Organizer of interdisciplinary Concert-Symposia (Series: Wort-Ton-Gestalt [Word-Sound-Form]), amongst others in cooperation with Klangforum Wien; Wien Modern; Wiener Konzerthaus; ESSL Museum Klosterneuburg: 2011 and 2016 on Hölderlin/Sôjun/Zender; 2015 on Celan/Birtwistle; 2017 on Kafka/Kurtág; 2018 on Voice in cooperation with Salome Kammer; 2020 on Hölderlin/Hegel/Beethoven. Numerous contributions on Theoretical Philosophy (conscience, subjectivity, inter-subjectivity, space and time), on the relation of cognition and emotion, as well as Aesthetics in Kant, German Idealism, Romanticism, and Modernity.